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Z H I Y E Q U A N  
Address:123 Street Name, Town/City,  
State/County, Post/Zip Code 
Tel: 028 1234 5678    
 E-mail: your.name@email.com    
Company Name 
2012 - Present 
Sales Chair 
Created and edited presentationles pitch to be given during webinars, and provid
ed live-customer support during webinars 
Manage recruitment strategy for sorority including designing marketing campaig
n to prospective pledges 
Design themes for recruitment events that best reflected sorority‟s brand 
 Second Prize of postgraduate 
Curricular Academi  competition 
 Winner of ”Expo Knowledge Contest" 
 third Prize of National College 
Students English speech contest 
Birthday: 1998.12.12 
Native place:Beijing 
E X P E R I E N C E  
 Easy-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and 
good team-spirit. 
 Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good 
command of theoretic knowledge 
 Having played a couple important roles in the student 
organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and 
organizational capability. 
S E L F  E V A L U A T I O N  
I N F O R M A T I O N  
A W A R D S  
Advertising  Sales 
 Planned two sector-specific web-
seminars: prospected list of potential customers 
 Built initial company relationship with each client 
 Gained direct sales experience through extensive training client interaction 
 Conducted comprehensive market research and analysis of most recent data
 on health care systems and markets of 12 EU nations & Canada phar 
Company Name 
2005 – 2012 
C O N T A C T  
E D U C A T I O N  
1998 - 2001 
Course Studied 
Brief description of the course you studied. Nullam pulvinar pulvinar mattis  
Taque natus atem verum, officil eniminv enimoluptia volendant. 
Course Studied 
Brief description of the course you studied. Nullam pulvinar pulvinar mattis  
Taque natus atem verum, officil eniminv enimoluptia volendant. 
1995 - 1998 
