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DUSTIN SILLY CREATIVE DIRECTOR D S OBJECTIVE All right me luvver ipsum dolor sit amet safternun casnt incididunt, aliquip ow bist wanna dolore jammer. Reprehenderit ginormous incididunt excepteur duis ut eu. Hark at ee in voluptate, praps member dinnum magna gurt lush member. Idut gurt lush ut zat alright. Dollop in ut tiz discolated dint praps officia. Commodo bemminser lectric, safternun kinave it elit mollit. Ut cupidatat elit, zider idut ullamco. EXPERIENCE SENIOR UI/UX DEVELOPER | APR 2009 - MAY 2013 Red Design Limited, San Diego, CA 91232 Sold over 100 large interface design with word press, CSS 3 & HTML 5 coding Extended design software research and web analysis, design & application Designed multitasking web research and multiple print for official uses SENIOR WEB DEVELOPER | FEB 2007 - NOV 2009 Matrix Design Limited, San Diego, CA 71622 User experience designer along with HTML 5, Word press, SEO, CSS 3, Java Full user experience designer for Android devices and Apple IOS devices Free OS user interface and user experience designer for Intel devices PRO DESIGN DEVELOPER | JUN 2005 - FEB 2003 Social Design Limited, San Diego, CA 91272 Critiqued and evaluated the written work for the designs anatomy course Set up and maintained blog for typographic rules & color theory analysis Trained over 100 college students about visual design and effect ART DESIGN DEVELOPER | JUN 2001 - FEB 2003 Java Media Limited, San Diego, CA 91245 High end evaluated the written work & videos for the designs anatomy course Also Set up and maintained blog for typographic rules & color theory analysis MR. DUSTIN PAUL Director, Matrix Media Limited E : dustinpaul@mail.com P : +812 283 2736 2763 REFERENCES MRS. TOMAS ROSS Designer, Matrix Media Limited E : tomasross@mail.com P : +812 292 2736 278 MRS. SALT Z ROSS Designer, Matrix Media Limited E : saltzross@mail.com P : +812 292 2736 2786 MR. JUSTIN SILLY Director, Matrix Media Limited E : dustinsilly@mail.com P : +812 283 2736 2763 CONTACT Email: info.dustinsilly@mail.com Home: 1236, Ash Street Richard TX 75081 Phone: (555) 555-5555 EDUCATION POSTGRADUATE IN GRAPHIC ARTS APR 2009 - MAY 2013 San Diego State University, USA Major : Typography GPA : 3.80/4.0 GRADUATE IN GRAPHIC ARTS APR 2005 - MAY 2008 San Diego State University, USA Major : Color Theory GPA : 3.80/4.00 AWARDS Best Design Award - May 2008 San Diego State University, USA Best Typography Award - May 2007 San Diego State University, USA SKILLS Design Software’s: Adobe Photoshop InDesign, Dreamweaver & Illustrator Web-based Application: Blogger Word press, HTML 5 & Goto-meeting Research Tools: SPSS, Internet Explorer Google Advanced Search DUSTIN SILLY CREATIVE DIRECTOR D S Date: 23 April 2013 From 2720 Ash Street Richardson, TX 75081 info.dustinsilly@email.com To Mr. Ronda West HR Manager, Smith Design Associates 1523 East West Street The City Name & Zip Code RE: Application for Graphic Designer Assistant position Dear Mr. West: I was excited to see your opening for a Graphic Designer rep, and I hope to be invited for an interview. My background includes serving as a customer service associate within both call-center and retail environments. Most recently, I worked on the customer service desk for Discount-Mart, where my responsibilities included handling customer merchandise returns, issuing refunds/store credits, flagging damaged merchandise for shipment back to vendors and providing back-up cashiering during busy periods. Previously, I worked within two high-volume customer-support call centers for a major telecommunications carrier and a satellite television services provider. In these positions, I demonstrated the ability to resolve a variety of issues and complaints (such as billing disputes, service interruptions or cutoffs, repair technician delays/no-shows and equipment malfunctions). I consistently met my call-volume goals, handling an average of 56 to 60 calls per day. In addition to this experience, I gained considerable customer service skills during my part-time employment as a waitress and restaurant hostess while in high school. I also bring to the table strong computer proficiencies in MS Word, MS Excel and CRM database applications and a year of college (business major). Please see the accompanying resume for details of my experience and education. I am confident that if you hire me as your administrative assistant, you will have more time and energy to concentrate on growing your business. My resume is enclosed for your review, and I will follow up with you in a few days to discuss your administrative support needs. You may also call me at (555) 555-5555 or email me at info.dustinsilly@mail.com. Thank you for your time, and have a great day. Thanking you in advance for your time, Dustin Silly DUSTIN SILLY CREATIVE DIRECTOR D S PROJECT TITLE GOES HERE My background includes serving as a customer service associate within both call-center and retail environments. Most recently, I worked on the customer service desk for Discount-Mart, where my responsibilities included handling customer merchandise returns, issuing refunds/store credits, flagging damaged merchandise for shipment back to vendors and providing back-up cashiering during busy periods. More Here : www.yourportfolio.com PROJECT TITLE GOES HERE My background includes serving as a customer service associate within both call-center and retail environments. Most recently, I worked on the customer service desk for Discount-Mart, where my responsibilities included handling customer merchandise returns, issuing refunds/store credits, flagging damaged merchandise for shipment back to vendors and providing back-up cashiering during busy periods. More Here : www.yourportfolio.com